Mammalian Developmental Epigenetics

With each generation, the precise spatio-temporal unfolding of embryonic development requires a tight orchestration of dynamic changes in chromatin states and corresponding transcriptional programs. While development is often approached as simply hardwired in the genome, there is a growing appreciation that the environment provides key inputs into the bookmarking and activation of the genome during ontogeny, but such inputs remain very poorly understood at the mechanistic level. Our lab is interested in understanding the genome-environment interactions that shape mammalian development and reproduction. Of particular interest are pluripotent cells that exist in the mammalian embryo and give rise to all cell types of the body. Recent work from our lab highlights that such foundational aspects as genome organization, transcription and environmental input are regulated in unique and novel ways in pluripotent cells of the early embryo and the germline. Our research is organized around 3 principal avenues of inquiry, each of which has several points of synergy with the other avenues.


Stem cell hypertranscription


Stem cell hypertranscription

The part of the genome that is activated, that is, transcribed into RNA, in any given cell, is called the transcriptome. The general assumption is that the overall level of the transcriptome does not change much between different cell types, and only a relatively small set of “outlier” genes that change in activity between cell types (so-called tissue-specific genes) are of interest. However, we have found that this assumption is incorrect in many settings, notably during development.

Hypertranscription, the global amplification of the transcriptome, is pervasive in stem/progenitor cells but has remained largely undetected until recently due to technical and analytic limitations that can now be overcome (read our review on this topic). We found that hypertranscription is critical for the growth of pluripotent cells at the time of implantation and for the expansion of definitive hematopoietic stem cells (Percharde Cell Rep 2017, Guzman-Ayala Development 2015, Koh Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015). We are using both cell culture and mouse models to further investigate the molecular regulation of hypertranscription in stem/progenitor cells during embryonic development and in adulthood. We found that the chromatin remodeler Chd1 is an essential regulator of hypertranscription in stem cells that acts to promote repair of DNA breaks that accumulate at the promoters of protein coding genes and rDNA (Bulut-Karslioglu Nature Communications 2021). In parallel, we developed methods to detect hypertranscription in single-cell RNA-seq data, and found that hypertranscription is remarkably pervasive in stem/progenitor cells across all major adult organs (Kim Cell Reports 2023). Our results indicate that hypertranscription is a general and dynamic cellular program that is recurrently employed during development, organ maintenance and regeneration.

We are also dissecting the regulation of open chromatin and hypertranscription in a systematic manner, using genome-wide screens in Embryonic Stem (ES) cells. The results of one such screen, reveal that the permissive chromatin state and hypertranscription of pluripotent stem cells are acutely tuned to their translational capacity, itself dependent on nutrient availability. This work led to the discovery of a paused pluripotent state in mouse ES cells and blastocysts, induced by mTor inhibition (Bulut-Karslioglu Nature 2016). This state of “suspended animation” models one that occurs in wild animals, called diapause, whereby blastocysts reversibly arrest development during periods of unfavorable environmental conditions. The ability to reversibly suspend the development of a mammal in the laboratory, and to mimic such developmental pausing in ES cells, offers a tractable model to dissect a number of fascinating questions. We have discovered that RNA methylation is critical to maintain the paused state, and identified the underlying mechanisms. Our results (Collignon Nature Cell Biology 2023) reveal that an intricate cross-talk between transcriptional and post-transcriptional layers of gene regulation ensures that cells remain dormant but viable during diapause. We are interested in understanding the interplay between environment, chromatin, and hypertranscription in the decision between cell activation vs dormancy in development and disease (see also Environment-epigenome interactions). Working with our collaborators in Toronto, we have found that cancer cells highjack the same molecular and cellular pathways of diapause to survive chemotherapy in a dormant state so that they can later regrow tumors (Rehman Cell 2021). The results point to new strategies to target these dormant cancer cells.


Roles of transposons in development

Roles of transposons in development

Unique protein-coding genes occupy only a minor fraction (~1.5%) of our genome. About half of the mouse and human genomes is comprised of Transposable Elements (TEs), which are sequences capable of moving to different locations in the genome. While TEs are generally assumed to be parasitic elements detrimental to genome integrity, they are a major source of novelty during evolution and may have beneficial roles during development. Interestingly, the TEs of the LINE1 and ERV families are repressed in most somatic cells but are highly expressed in mouse and human pre-implantation embryos and ES cells.

Our lab has long been fascinated with investigating the function of TEs in pluripotent stem cells. We found that RNA from mouse LINE1 orchestrates the progression of totipotent cells at the 2-cell stage towards pluripotent cells of the blastocyst. We found that LINE1 RNA does this by partnering with the protein Nucleolin to regulate the expression of ribosomal RNA and the transcriptional program of the 2-cell program. Via this mechanism, LINE1/Nucleolin are required for early development and for self-renewal of ES cells (Percharde Cell 2018). Despite independent evolution of transposons in different mammalian lineages, we found that LINE1 plays a remarkably conserved role in human embryonic stem cells. LINE1 RNA promotes maintenance of genomic architecture of the nucleolus (Ataei Genes and Development 2024) and prevents developmental reversion to the 8-cell state, the equivalent of the mouse 2-cell state (Zhang Developmental Cell 2024). These results cast a fundamentally novel light on our understanding of early embryogenesis and pluripotency, with TEs as key orchestrators. We continue to explore novel roles for TE and repeat elements in higher-order chromatin organization, transcriptional output (see also Stem cell hypertranscription) and developmental transitions.


Environment-epigenome interactions

Environment-epigenome interactions

Developmental and stem cell biologists often assume that development is a process hardwired in the genome and insulated from environmental influence. However, a growing body of evidence shows that deficiencies in maternal diet or exposure to environmental toxins during gestation may affect developmental trajectories and program postnatal disease propensity in the progeny. The mechanisms that underlie the environmental modulation of developmental and stem cell biology remain largely unknown.

We discovered that the essential nutrient Vitamin C impacts the transcriptional and epigenetic state of ES cells in remarkable ways by acting as a specific co-factor for Tet enzymes and greatly enhancing DNA demethylation (Blaschke Nature 2013). Using mouse models, we went on to show that dietary Vitamin C alters the epigenetic state and function of the fetal germline in vivo, recapitulating the Tet1 mutation, disrupting meiosis, and leading to sub-fertility in adulthood (Ditroia Nature 2019). Our findings have implications in other stem cell systems where Tet enzymes are active, including the hematopoietic system and the brain. In addition, deficiencies in the activity of Tets have been causally linked to several types of cancer. We are now dissecting the impact of a variety of environmental stressors during gestation on epigenetic states in fetal cells and physiological outcomes into adulthood and across generations.
